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Publié le par Jumelage

Publier vos petites annonces : Vous avez envie de vous exprimer sur votre ville, sur les villes jumelles, sur votre voisin qui écoute sa musique trop forte, sur les manifestations culturelles, sociales, économiques.  
Vous voulez faire un échange de logement, monter un projet en commun...
Ecriver vos petites annonces en postant des commentaires dans cette rubrique.

Publish your small ads: You want writing about your city, about your town twinning. On your neighbour who listens to strong his music. On cultural, social, economic events.
You want to make an exchange, create an event with new peoples...
Write your small ads by posting comments in this rubric.
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I have just visited your blog, I search information on people. Yesterday (monday, november 3rd), I walk with my dog to York , When, I found a postcard, with a name, a picture and name of city: Arles. I think this people lost her papers. I have write a mail to the manager of the blog. If you recognize yourself in this message, write mail to the manager, it is very nice as this blog.